Meet Jansport
Since 1967, Jansport has been designing packs, bags and outdoor gear to equip their consumers for great adventures and the kind that happen every day. Jansport is part of the VF Corporation brand portfolio including consumer-loved brands like The North Face, Vans, Smart Wool and more.
Bags and accessories by Jansport are available in small and large retailers, as well as on their online boutique,
The Challenge
Back To School is a busy season for Jansport as parents and students are actively looking for school backpacks. In such a competitive landscape, Jansport has to stay top of mind and capture consumers’ wallet share before competitors, and they want to do so while keeping a minimum return on ad spend of 2.5x.
The Solution
We used a combination of Facebook Ads and Google Ads to reach our target audience as they were browsing online or actively searching for bags.
What we did:
- Build a solid media plan based on our knowledge of the account and past performance
- Launch Google’s new campaign type, Performance Max, before the high season
- Optimize campaigns frequently to weed out inefficiencies and allocate budget where it mattered most
- Leverage dynamic ads to create personalized ads at scale
- Target both broad and lookalike audiences to reach a large pool of potential buyers
The result: An exceptionally successful Back To School season for Jansport
- Reached a global ROAS of 7 on Facebook and Google from June to August 2022
- +64% increase in ROAS year over year on Google
- +32% increase in session compared to 2021 for Google and Facebook
- +39% increase in transaction compared to 2021 for Google and Facebook
- +48% increase in revenue compared to 2021 for Google and Facebook
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